It’s Double-Cut Bone-In Pork Chop! Watch Award winning griller Heath Riles BBQ serves up an amazing Double-Cut Bone-In Pork Chop recipe on his Goldens’ Cast Iron Cooker!! You can do this too! It’s simple and easy! Just watch the Double-Cut Bone-In Pork Chop video below as Health Riles walks you through it step by step! See the recipe below! Gather your ingredients and get started on this delicious grilled steak recipe! It’s really easy to prep and grill!
Award-winning griller, Heath Riles started cooking competition BBQ in 1997 with over 70 Grand Champion wins in competition BBQ! Over time has developed and perfected his own line of sauces, rubs, injections & marinades. And he grills on our legendary Goldens’ Cast Iron Kamado! Great honor! Enjoy this great Double-Cut Bone-In Pork Chop recipe! It all starts with a Goldens’ Cast Iron Kamado Grill! Check out Health Riles products here, then shop our line of kamados and here! Let’s get started! 

- Heritage Cheshire Farms 10 Rib Rack Bone-in Loin Roast OR 2″ Double-Cut Bone-In Pork Chops from your local butcher
- Binder for meat (mustard or oil of choice i.e. olive, grapeseed, avocado)
- Heath Riles BBQ Everyday Rub
- Heath Riles BBQ Honey Chipotle Rub
- 1 cup Heath Riles BBQ Tangy Vinegar Sauce
- 1 cup Orange Marmalade
- Remove bone-in loin from package and dry off moisture, cut 2″ thick chops from bone-in loin if cutting on your own, if not, you already have your cut pork chops from your local butcher
- Apply binder to meat, in the video we used grapeseed oil
- Season chops with a light layer of Heath Riles BBQ Everyday Rub on all sides
- Season chops with a heavy layer of Heath Riles BBQ Honey Chipotle Rub on all sides
- Let chops sit for about 20 mins while you get your grill ready
- Get Golden’s Cast Iron cooker (or the grill of your choice) up to about 225° using Royal Oak Charcoal, remember to set up for a 2 zone fire to reverse sear
- Once your cooker is up to temp, add a piece of wood if you choose (we used hickory wood)
- Put chops on cooker, remember to put them on the cool side in order to get the smoke going before searing
- Flip chops after about 20-25 minutes or once they reach about 90° cook them for another 20-25 minutes until they reach 125°
- Make glaze, 1 cup of Heath Riles BBQ Tangy Vinegar sauce and 1 cup of orange marmalade, reduce down to form a glaze
- Once your chops are 120-125°, remove them and crank your fire up to 500-550° to sear them.
- Glaze chops with sauce/marmalade reduction before putting back on grill.
- Put chops on to sear flipping after a couple of minutes to get your chops to an internal temp of 145-150°
Note : Cut two bones over and keep the fat. Make them thick! Season up with some rub after your choice of binder. Lay the rub on thick! When you fire up your grill and get it hot, toss in a big nice piece of hickory. Remember, when you’re done, make sure you let your chops rest about 10 minutes before you chow down!
TikTok: @heathrilesbbq
Cooker Configuration
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